If you are Mac based and using thunderbolt, the Aja ioXT is perfect for those working with 3G HDSDI, needing up/down/cross conversion, 4:4:4 to 4:2:2, has non terminating thunderbolt which means it can drive a display as well. It will deembedded digital to 8 channels analog, HDMI in/out, component HD output, dual Hdsdi inputs and outputs as well. Headphone monitoring, LTC in/out, RS422 machine control. Thunderbolt has transfer rates of 10gb/sec which is twice that of USB 3.O, over 20x that of Usb2.0 and 12x of firewire 800.
Msrp 1495.00. AJA has one of the best warranties 5 yrs, and offers no charge repair/replacement beyond warranty for cost of freight by the customer, no extended warranties or service contract charges.